Yesterday, the whole world watched in horror when US stock market dropped 777 points and lost RM4 trillion in one day! RM4 trillion goes like this, RM4,000,000,000,000.00. Banks all over the world trembled and some had folded or being bought over by others. There will be more job cuts all over the world. Is the world's economy really really breaking down this time? The world had rebounded many times before and will it rebound this time? Will things get back to normal again?
It may or it may not. If not, then we will have social problem. Meaning, people will get angrier by the day because of all the pressure in life. Crime rate will go up. Family break up will also rise. People will fight to get what they want and things may get awry.
What can we do as Christians when that happens?
1. Cling on to God who owns the world.
2. Stay positive in reading (and understanding) the Bible.
3. Involve and revolve yourself around the church, the Body of Christ.
4. Serve God and others.
5. Live within your means and have a simple life. (No more new handphones for now)
PS: Beware, you may even disappear.