Looking back at all the things I have done (both good and bad) since I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, it dawned on me that I have not done much. Compare to what? Compare to who? Then I had a great discussion with God in my mind.
What is success to God? When we think of success, first thing that comes to mind would be "NUMBERS"! For me, Rick Warren is successful! From nothing to about 20,000 members in 15 years or more, correct me if I am wrong. Is it 'numbers'? Or does God view as success someone who who started off as a clerk and went on to become a CEO
I am at a disadvantage to argue against all these because I am writing as one 'not successful' to most people. So, what is success to God? Can Rick Warren or David Cho (former pastor of the world's largest church) consider success? I believe these mega church pastors or even Billy Graham who had preached to millions all over the world should hold on to the word, "success" loosely. What do I mean?
Take for instance, Rick Warren. Is he the only one that caused the church to grow exponentially? The answer is obviously 'no'! Yes, he worked hard and tried hard but it was thousands of Christians as a Body that made it "successful"! The same goes to David Cho of South Korea. It was the thousands of believers who prayed and toiled to see tremendous growth in his church. Billy Graham's crusade saw hundreds of volunteers worked their heart out to organise evangelistic events for him. Not forgetting thousands of them invited their friends to the crusade, worked with them and followed up on them when Billy Graham went back to his hotel room to rest. But we would say of these famous men oh how successful they are. But what about the thousands of unsung 'heroes' who toiled at the background out of the glare of publicity.
What about the person who led Billy Graham to Christ? What about the ones that led Rick Warren, David Livingstone, John Wesley, Hudson Taylor to Christ? Are they not 'succeesful'? I seriously think everyone should hold on to the word, 'success' loosely as all of us are being gracefully used by the Holy Spirit to glorify Jesus Christ. People flock to hear famous men and women out because they are 'successful' and that's a fact we all have to accept. The same reason young people watch American Idol rather than TV3's Akademi Fantasia. They prefer Lady Gaga over Norah Jones
The main reason I am writing this piece is that all of us can be 'successful' for God as long as we are still breathing! We do not have to sulk just because we missed some things in life. Or feels like failure just because we do not have the numbers!
What then is success to God? He who...
1. Obeys God's Word on a daily basis.
2. Enters into doors of opportunities when God opens up for him.
3. Helps those in need when we meet them
4. Everyday, has a worship of God mind set.
Say this to yourself two or three times in succession, "I can be successful to God