Last night I went to a dinner hosted by GMT (Global Ministry Teams) for their graduating students. The ministry is founded by none other than Ps. Irvin Rutherford. These students from all over the world would come and do short-term missions training for 3 months. Although it is short term, but when I witnessed their passion, they are going to be missionaries for a long time to come.
I sat next to an Indian graduand Ajay James and we instantly felt a connection. He told me about how Christians in India in certain places are being persecuted. But the thrilling part of the story is the more they are persecuted, the more people accepted the Lord. Hallelujah! The speaker who spoke that night confirmed in my spirit that souls are coming to the Lord in their thousands because of God's servants who lived and died for the sake of the gospel.
I was blessed to see passionate servants of God who stand ready to fulfill the Great Commission. Most of them left the comfort of their homes and families to serve God. Are we willing? Or rather, am I willing?
I read this in their newsletter....it says, statistics that changed my life...
27 Million : - Number of people who are bound by modern day slavery.
80% of which are women and children.
50% of those women and children are forced into prostitution.
4,400 : - Number of languages that are currently without Scripture portions available.
World : - 1/3 well fed - 1/3 underfed - 1/3 starving.
1 Billion : - Number of people who cannot read or write their own name, much less read the Bible if it is available in their language.
1% : - Percetage of missionaries that work among people who live in un-reached people-groups and they comprise 40% of the world's population.
40,000 : - Number of people who starve to death every single day in a silent tsunami.
Words to ponder....
(Jonah 4:11) But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?"
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