Welcome to orange Sydney, a dust storm turning the beautiful city into an Armageddon liked scene.
Jesus spoke of birthpangs before His second coming or His return to earth. Like a woman in final stage of her pregnancy, the baby will kick harder and stronger. When earthquake happened during the 80's, there would be great commotion around the world. But today, earthquakes are just normal thing in the eyes of people. I think the small ones are considered as a minor traffic accident, only the big ones are reported widely. People of the world are being prepared for Armageddon. Hollywood continues unrelentlessly to show violent and disaster movies, latest being 2012, coming to cinemas on Nov 12th. 2012 speaks about the end of the world according to the ancient Mayan civilisation. Their calender ends in 21st Dec, 2012. Then there is the recent film about death, Final Destination II, which further numbs the minds of audience about death. It is like Hollywood is preparing people for the ultimate judgment that is coming - Armageddon!
No matter how much the world leaders talked about lowering nuclear weapons, the nuclear bombs that they had are enough to destroy the earth many times over.
Are you ready for the "baby"? Thanks be to God that He prepares a way for Christians to escape His wrath that is coming. Those who believe Jesus as their personal Saviour and Lord will be shielded by God through rapture, the biggest and most dramatic disapperance act ever in the history of mankind. Transporting millions to heaven in a single second!
PS: The sandstorm is like a manna sent from heaven to car washing companies, the only good news sandstorm brought to Sydney.
I saw on Australian TV news that many ppl thought that it was the end of the world when they woke up to a orange sky in Sydney. haha...
It was an eerie feeling....but Melbourne's okay I guess!
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