Latest: CNN - Massive fireball reported across Midwestern sky (latest update). See http://edition.cnn.com/2010/TECH/04/15/midwest.fireball/index.html
A cloud of ash from a volcano in Iceland swept toward mainland Europe on Thursday, forcing up to 6,000 flight cancellations across the continent, according to the intergovernmental body that manages European air travel - CNN
The ash in the clouds can cause airplane engines to shutoff and so, it's no go! Many airports in Europe have been closed completely or partially which affect almost the whole world. Those who have planned travel are frustrated for the disruption. Those who are holidaying or doing business in Europe may have to stay longer there and that will cost them. Even the Prime Minister of Norway is stranded in the US and has to run the country through IPad (thanks, Apple)!
Remember the dust that clouded China a while ago and the freak storm that hit Perth? And now this! Are the skies sending a message to us? Then 2010, so many major earthquakes happened so close to each other, almost like two every week!
Who would have thought Iceland, a small island nation far far away could have caused so much trouble to the world? I was telling someone and have been telling people..."Nowadays, any thing can happen to the world."
As I attended a funeral this week and heard of four deaths close to home these two weeks, I am thinking about my existence here on earth. "Have I given my best to God and lived my best to what I am called to do?"
Testimony: One of the church members' sister died few days ago and before she passed on, she shouted Jesus' name many times and also cried, "Mom! mom!" (who died few years ago). Obviously she saw something so wonderful on the other side.
She has moved on and finished her race. What about our race? How are you running?
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