Austin Gutwein

I considered last Saturday in the youth Vision Casting Meeting a historical moment. God has grown the youth, both spiritually and numerically. I believe the time is right for the Vineyard Church to grow to the next level and it is proper to set some solid structures for the Youth Ministry. I pray that the youth will be the growth engine of the Church, fueling more fire for all!
To be exemplary Youth for Christ with a Heart to Love and to Serve the Lord faithfully.
To Empower the Youth to be the effective hands & feet of God to the community and beyond through fellowshipping, teaching, and equipping them.
Support to Strengthen
Study to Grow
Serve to Lead
Study to Grow
Serve to Lead
Finally, after much consideration, we now have the Youth comprising of those aged between 13 - 17 and Young Adults from 18 to 24 years old. If you are older (like me.., about 29), you can still be in the Youth by serving loh. The Youth Ministry needs volunteers and help!
Just to recap my brief sharing on that day...
Nehemiah having everything he needs in a foreign land, gave up everything to come back to a ruin city to live. He decided to run God's race by rebuilding the broken walls of Jerusalem. Today, our call is not to build broken walls but to rebuild broken lives without Christ.
Three things about Nehemiah we can learn...
1. Nehemiah is HOT for God! He wept when he heard of Jerusalem being torn apart.
2. Nehemiah PLOTS for God! He plans, prepares himself for the task.
3. Nehemiah SLOGS for God! He puts to work whatever he sets up to do. He prepares to be dirty, so to speak. Not only that, he calls people everywhere to help, knowing he couldn't do it alone.
At the end, the walls were rebuilt and it takes a miraculous 52 days (with great opposition). Then Nehemiah, together with the people SHOUT God's victory!
Young people, we can either choose to run God's race or we choose to run with the world. Many lives were wrecked and wasted as their lives end with uncertainties (represented by a black cloth I use for illustration). But let us be those who end with Jesus standing to applaud us in the finish line (represented by the word, "FINISH").
Check out two incredible and awesome real life stories that inspire me to tears...
Check out the boy, Austin Gutwein, a teenager who started Hoops for Hope and helped thousands in Africa!
Check out also Kendall Ciesemier, a teenager who started KC4K (Kids care for Kids) at the age of nine and blessed thousands in Africa!
Yes, last saturday was a historical moment. And we will be history makers!
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