Last night I watched Larry King Live (I watch that only when there is someone interesting comes up) with Ted Haggard, the famous American preacher who fell from grace by....(read it yourself from the Net lah). He was kicked out of the mega church he founded at the time he was one of the most influential Christian leaders in America. The sin that found him out was actually two years ago. Why again now? This is due to another fellow who reported him to CNN about another sin committed at that time also. Just a little added on to the mess-up life he lived while he was still the pastor of the church. So, Ted and his wife (plus Ted's son online with Larry King somewhere else) sat with Larry, told him (Larry King) and worldwide audience about his sin and his restoration.
What is my reaction or rather are my reactions?
1. I felt the fear of God coming on me. I was telling my wife how come Ted knew that he would lose everything if he persisted in that sin but yet he couldn't stop. Such is the power of sin that could hold anyone in bondage! I, my wife and anyone who is human could fall from grace like Ted Haggard.
2. I felt relieved that Ted did not defend himself and justify his wrongdoing. Many times he used, 'I was messed up','I was a disaster', 'Worst mistake' and 'I am guilty'. The more you justify your sin, the more confused you will be.
3. I felt warmth when Ted's wife and sons and daughters supported him throughout this tough journey knowing that life is a process either towards God or towards doom and they chose God. The family even got bonded stronger than ever. That son who went on air with Larry King was the one who tried to gel the family together to deal with the crisis. Bravo I say!
4. I felt victorious when Ted said he has recovered (almost, I would say) from those dreadful struggle of sin. What thrilled me was that he did not say, "Okay, now I will start a church again or please give me back my church" but he would tell Christians everywhere (if opportunity is given) about his failure and how Jesus eventually healed him after a process.
5. I felt wiser when he answered a caller who asked him whether he would accept a gay who still feels he is a Christian by telling him to spend time reading God's Word alone and find out what God said. Moreover, Christianity is not just a religion but a relationship between God and His people.
Lastly, I felt God throughout the show as His grace was shown in the very right manner. Jesus never left Ted Haggard and His grace always pulls us through if we do not give up. But sin has its consequence and being obedient also means, going through the healing process in humble accountabililty.
Welcome back, Ted Haggard, my brother!
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