Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara gave birth to twin boys at 66, one of the oldest first- time mothers in the world. According to report, she bluffed doctors about her age to convince them to help her did the artificial insemination. And she paid almost all her savings, RM170,000 to do so. Her family members advice her not to but she insisted. That was 3 years ago! The sons now are cute toddlers!
Last week, she passed away after being diagnosed with cancer within a year of the birth of her twins, Christian and Pau, on Dec 29, 2006. She died aged 69, at a hospital near her home in Cadiz, leaving the twins orphaned.
I am not here to judge her for what she did but few things I disagree with the way things are done...
1. She lied to get what she wanted.
2. She did not care of other people's advice that the kids might not get cared for if she grew old or sickly.
3. She was single and advanced in age.
Sometimes we want to get what we want in this world and we just discounted the cost. Is it good for us? Can we manage it? It is morally right? It is beneficial to others? Is it greed or selfishness? These questions need to be answered sufficiently when we decide on something huge in our lives! Especially when we talk about lives, like the toddlers who will now have to grow up without any parents! Yes, they can be adopted but these are human beings we are talking about! Not toys to play with!
Paul put it clearly...
(1 Cor 6:12) "Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything.
Let us do everything for the glory of God!
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