Everywhere we went, we see paddy fields, ripe unto harvest! That's Cambodia at this moment! God is doing great and wonderful works there! The Son is shining brightly everywhere we went and even government and village heads were impressed with the works of the Christians! We went to a house of a certain village head and he gladly allowed Christians to operate English classes for the villagers!
We go there with the intention of blessing them, instead we are tremendously blessed by them. Happy faces welcomed all of us when we visited homes and there was no dusting off of our shoes! Children were simple and adoring and loved everything that we did (nothing extraordinary that we had done)!
I was told that a certain village we visited was initially rejected the Christians and the church. Things began to change when one young girl was set free from demon oppression!
Another leader who took charge of children's home told us about how street children were fewer today compared to years ago! This was because the children were helped and they now have the opportunity to live in a great environment!
I have been to Cambodia about 7 times but this time, I felt different! I felt like Jesus was embracing the Cambodians there in their own humble and simple ways in a greater measure!
God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble!
God bless Cambodia! May the latter rain pour and rain on the whole country with God's grace and power! Truly it's harvest time in Cambodia!
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